Gone are the days when a traffic policeman needs to physically stop motorists who are found to be breaking the traffic laws. E-challans which are electronically based forms can now be used to send fines to violators who are caught on CCTV cameras at red light signals. The CCTV cameras record the full coverage of the violator just by capturing the license plate number of the vehicle in question. Few of the violations are jumping red signals, over speeding, drunken driving, not wearing seatbelts, not wearing helmets, driving without a valid driving license etc. are some of the major reasons for disobeying the traffic laws.
All traffic penalties will now be booked by the Multi-Purpose Hand Held System (VIOLET) for issuing fines on the spot. Electronic challans are a great way to save time and effort of the officials on duty as it carried away the task of managing so much paperwork. All vital information pertaining to the number and type of violations are easily accessible online to the government officials who want to pull out past or current data. This will also give out names of habitual offenders and cities or places where the greatest number of disobedience of traffic laws is prevalent. There is a central database where all data is being tracked online and important statistics such as time and place of issue of fine, police jurisdiction in which the device was used, other details pertaining to the violation.
E-challans are only available in a few select cities namely, Bangalore, Delhi, Hyderabad, Vijayawada, Ahmedabad, Lucknow, and Chennai.
Now even India’s largest online payment wallet Paytm has introduced payment of fine received from e-challans very convenient. One can pay via credit or debit card or even net banking. A user needs to have a Paytm app installed on their smartphone so that they can pay the e-challan online. Go cashless is the motto with Paytm with just a few simple steps. One can even visit them Paytm website if they don’t have the app and transfer money from there too. The individual just needs to create a Paytm account, enter their city, vehicle number, challan number and make the payment. Once the payment is completed a system generated receipt would be sent to the user’s registered mobile number and email Id.
E-challans are such a prudent way to get accurate statistical information just by the click of a button. There will be no more room for human typo errors which are so high in the documentation of physical records. E-challans also help in increasing the productivity of the officer as they no longer need to get into altercations with anyone and it significantly has brought down the corruption that is rampant in the law. People can no longer bribe officers to let them off the hook. E-challans major aim is to bring down the accident rates, improve in citizens abiding by the traffic laws, reduce corruption by having a very transparent system where all data can be stored and there is no need for any paperwork.
E-challan is the way to go to bring about a highly efficient and reliable traffic enforcement system.