Top Reasons for Cisco Certification

Hannah K

Top Reasons for Cisco Certification

A popular industry certification program for computer networking is Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA).  In 1988, Cisco created CCNA as a way to recognize basic computer networking competency installation and support for medium-sized networks.  In 2013, Cisco expanded the program beyond routing and switching to include many facets of computer networking and network administration.  Here are the top reasons to take Cisco training for certifications.

  • Certification is skill-oriented to teach real-world IT skills and the IT industry needs people who can perform.
  • CCNA certifications are time efficient. Generally, Cisco training takes one to two months before testing to gain the specialized certification.
  • In the IT industry, employers search for staff with skills. The skills needed are learned through the Cisco training certification programs.
  • Certification is up-to-date. The IT world is always changing, and the training for certification are regularly updated to keep pace with the changes.
  • You can continue your job while taking the training. You may need a day or two off for testing after one to two months of training, but that’s the only time away from work necessary.
  • Testing for certification is completed online so that you can prepare in the comfort of your home for the exam.
  • Because the certification courses are offered online, the cost is reasonable, and certification will pay off quickly. This makes the cost of certification a high return for the money, and some employers will pay for the expense.

Where to Start

The first step in CCNA is Cisco training on routing and switching.  You will start by learning the basics of IP routing and LAN switching.  Everyone starts here to make sure you are well-versed in routing and switching before moving to other certifications.  The process is to learn the technology of the course and take the exams associated with the specific certification.  Then you move on the next course, exam, and certification.

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CCNA Certifications

Currently, there are different CCNA certifications to help you specialize in different areas.  For example, Routing and Switching, Cloud, Service Provider, Security, Video and Voice, Wireless, and more.  Not all certifications require a prerequisite, so you have some freedom to choose the Cisco training and certifications you are interested in gaining.  The CCNA is valid for three years before re-certification is required.


There is a variety of IT Associate jobs available, and CCNA certification reflects your ability to operate, install, configure, and troubleshoot routed and switched networks.  This makes CCNA certification one of the most popular in the technology industry and the most sought-after credentialing. Companies that use Cisco routers and switches will look to hire professionals with CCNA certification for positions like Network Engineer or Network Administrator.  Businesses, in general, are often seeking out IT associates for a variety of IT needs, and CCNA certification can put your resume at the top.

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